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La Cuvée s'est équipée de la technologie de paiement sans contact (cashless)
Sous forme d'une carte, elle vous permettra de consommer chez tous les exposants.
Une carte vous sera remise à l'entrée avec la quantité de Cuvée-Dollars que vous aurez acheté. Il sera également possible de se procurer une carte dans l'un de nos 3 points de rechargement (Banque).
Il me reste un solde sur ma carte, puis-je me faire rembourser ?Absolument ! Les demandes de remboursement sont ouvertes du dimanche 2 avril 2023 à 09h00 au lundi 17 avril 2023 à 23h59 ; les remboursements seront effectués sur carte bancaire au plus tard 15 jours après la demande. Aucune demande de remboursement ne sera possible après le 17 avril 2023 ; passé cette date, le crédit restant sera définitivement perdu. Seul les Cuvée-Dollars payés seront éligibles pour un remboursement. Pour faire une demande, allez à ce lien Vous avez encore des questions ? Écrivez-vous :
J'ai perdu ma carteRendez-vous à une station de rechargement. Si votre carte a été acheté en ligne, il y a des possibilités qu'on puisse retrouver votre carte. Dans le cas contraire, nous avons pas de possibilité de la retrouver.
Est-il possible de conserver ma carte à la prochaine édition ?Absolument ! Prenez note que les Cuvée-Dollars restant seront toutefois non transférable d'une édition à l'autre, c'est pourquoi on vous recommande de faire une demande de remboursement.
Si je n'ai plus de Cuvée-Dollars sur ma carte ?3 options : 1- Aller à l'une des 3 stations de recharge (Banque) dans l'événement situé au deuxième et troisième. 2- À l'aide de l'appareil photo de votre téléphone, ouvrez le code QR à l'endos de votre carte et suivez les instructions. 3- Directement à la page de recharge en ligne.
AM I OBLIGED TO BUY THE PASSPORT TO CONSUME DISTILLERY COCKTAILS DURING THURSDAY IT STARTS STRONG?Not at all! Distillery cocktails are also available individually on Thursday evening.
OR?Salon 1861, 550 Richmond Street, Montreal, QC H3J 1V3
Est-ce que l'établissement est accessible pour les fauteuils roulants ?Absolument ! L'entrée est accessible par une rampe et à l'intérieur, une ascenseur est mise à la disposition aux personnes à mobilité réduite.
CAN I VOLUNTEER FOR LA CUVÉE?Definitely. We love it when our beautiful team grows. Registration will be launched shortly.
WHEN?Thursday, March 30: 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Friday, March 31: 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday, March 1: 4 p.m. to 1 a.m.
HOW DO COUPONS WORK THIS YEAR?This year, the coupons will be on an RFID card! When you arrive, you will receive an RFID card. If you purchased coupons online before the event, they will already be on the card. If you want to buy coupons during the event, it will be possible to add coupons to your RFID card at the entrance. When you pick up a tasting, the exhibitor will scan your card and the coupons will be virtually deducted from your card. Tastings can be worth between 2 and 5 tokens.
WILL THE DISTILLERIES DU THURSDAY ÇA PART FORT BE PRESENT ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY?No. Quebec distilleries will only be present during Jeudi Ça part fort. They will present their spirits and offer their cocktails especially for the event. Buy your entrance ticket for Thursday evening and your Passport It starts strong if you want to take advantage of it.
WILL I BE ABLE TO DRINK BEER ON THURSDAY IT'S GETTING STRONG?Of course! Although this is a great opportunity to discover more about Quebec strong alcohols, all exhibitors will be on site on Thursday evening. If beer is your passion, you will certainly find what you are looking for and our exhibitors will be waiting for you with open arms!
CAN I BRING MY OWN DRINK?Unfortunately, no. For logistical reasons, the glasses accepted are ONLY those included in your admission. We remind you that you can always bring back your glass from previous editions.
WHAT IS THE COST OF ON-SITE TASTINGS?Tastings vary. They can be worth between 2 and 5 coupons.
HOW MUCH ?Prices will be determined soon for the 2023 edition. Stay tuned!
GROUP OR CORPORATE TICKETWe unfortunately do not offer corporate or group prices, due to the limitation of available tickets.
AM I OBLIGED TO PRINT MY TICKETS?You do not have to print your tickets. However, if your tickets are electronic, make sure your device is fully charged 😉.
WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF BUYING MY TICKETS ONLINE?By buying online, you ensure your place at the event, because in the event that the room is at full capacity, only holders of tickets purchased in advance will be able to enter. Simplify your life 😊!
WHAT IF I CAN'T FIND MY TICKETS IN MY EMAILS?Don't panic! Look in your spam emails. If your tickets are not found anywhere, you can write to us via box and our team will be happy to help you.< /p>
IS IT POSSIBLE TO BUY MY TICKET ON SITE?Yes, however it is risky as tickets are limited. We advise you not to wait the same day to buy them 😉 *Credit and debit card only, no cash.*
IS IT POSSIBLE TO REFUND MY TICKET?Unfortunately, no tickets are refundable.
WILL I RECEIVE MY PRODUCTS PURCHASED THROUGH THE ONLINE STORE BY POST?No. You can collect your tickets and products purchased online directly at the event, when validating your entry ticket.
IS MY TICKET TRANSFERABLE FROM ONE DAY TO THE ANOTHER?Unfortunately no, our places are limited for each day, for a question of logistics and to offer a unique and memorable experience!
I HAVEN'T FOUND A GUARDIAN, CAN I BRING MY BOUT'CHU?Toddlers and accompanied children will be welcome at La Cuvée. However, after 8 p.m., La Cuvée is no longer the ideal place for children. Also note that there is no drop-in daycare on the site of the event. 😊
WILL THERE BE AN ATM ON SITE?Yes! You will find two counters at the event venue.
IS THERE A PARKING?Unfortunately, Salon 1861 does not have private parking. However, you can find parking spaces in the surrounding streets. You can also walk from the Georges-Vanier or Lucien L'allier metro stations. It never hurts after a few beers 😊.
IS THERE A PLACE WHERE I CAN FIND MY LOST ITEMS?All lost items will be brought to the cloakroom at the entrance. Please note that La Cuvée is not responsible for the loss, breakage or theft of your items.
EXHIBITORWould you like to become an exhibitor or offer your products? Contact Katerine C. Dumouchel 😁 450 447 2096 #104
PARTNERWould you like to become a partner? Contact Virginie Dumont 😁 450 447 2096 x102
TICKETINGIMPORTANT: If you have not received your e-tickets, please check your spam folder. If you have any issues or questions regarding ticketing, please write to us at
MEDIADo you want to apply for accreditation? Contact Marie Létourneau Communications 😎 514-616-3549
GENERAL INFO450-700-1726 Event location Salon 1861 550 Richmond Street, Montreal, QC , H3J 1V3 Office and billing 127 boul. Richelieu Richelieu, Qc. J3L 3R3 450 447 2096
VOLUNTEERDo you want to become a contractor? It's here! Would you like to become a volunteer? Contact Fabienne Leblanc 😁 450 447 2096 x107 We look forward to having you with us!
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